Christi-Anne Plough
As a child I was as drawn toward scientific discovery of our physical world as I was deeply immersed in fantasy books and art. As I grew, I funneled my imagination into the more "realistic" pursuit of a Master's degree in Astrophysics and I left 20 years of art practice and daydreaming behind.
With an established career in high-tech and two growing daughters, I'm still a dreamer, and I'm starting to let that side of me re-emerge. The work on this site is an expression of all the daydreams I never finished putting down on paper as a young artist, combined with the new perspectives of a career woman and mother.
I love to dream, draw, and paint about outer space, flowers, animals, children, and women - especially mothers and sisters. My work takes place in an in-between world that straddles our scientific reality and the fantastical places our hearts go. In my mind the mysteries of the real universe "out there" and the myths, fairytales, and magic of our shared multicultural stories intersect to create a beautiful truth about what it means to be human.